«Cultura de la legalidad y lenguaje claro» en la Fundación Botín (España).

On Friday, October 28, the members of the program On trust-cm Digno Montalván and German Arenas spoke about the culture of legality and clear language for the XII edition of the Program for the Strengthening of the Public Function in Latin America organized by the Botín Foundation (Spain).
The Program for the Strengthening of the Public Function in Latin America emerged in 2010 as an initiative of the Botín Foundation to ensure that the best university students in Latin America decide to commit to their societies from the public service, all with the aim of strengthening the proper functioning of the institutions and improve the social, economic and sustained development of their countries. In this edition, 32 university students participate in the program, selected from more than 3,500 candidates from 21 countries in Latin America.
More information at Botín Foundation: https://fundacionbotin.org/sala-de-prensa/32-universitarios-latinoamericanos-participan-en-el-xii-programa-para-el-fortalecimiento-de-la-funcion-publica-en-america-latina-de-la-fundacion-botin/