El sorteo cívico y el futuro de la democracia
GEA Research Seminar
Hour: 17:00
Venue: Sala José Castillejo, CCHS-CSIC
The next Research Seminar of the GEA Applied Ethics Group (IFS-CSIC) will take place on Tuesday, November 16 at 5:00 p.m. It will be entitled "The civic draw and the future of democracy" and will be given by José Luis Moreno Pestaña (UGR) and Ernesto Ganuza (IPP-CSIC), with comments by Melania Moscoso (IFS-CSIC) and moderation by Fernando Aguiar (IFS-CSIC).
The Seminar will be held in a blended format, in the José Castillejo room of the CCHS-CSIC and through the Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86889275544?pwd=YzR3NnQ0bGtZWmhsem8rT0J0QnJLdz09 meeting ID: 868 8927 5544 Access code: 864826